Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology Offers Model Program for Compliance HIPAA Policies, Procedures and Forms
The Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (TAO) is pleased to announce that it will be offering a Model HIPAA Privacy Standards Plan with accompanying forms, specifically drafted for ophthalmic practices, that will help practices meet the requirements of the Privacy Standards under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). TAO is taking orders now for the model which will be sent to those who purchase it in electronic format within two weeks of the date that the Bush Administration finalizes the Standards. The module is now ready for purchase. The cost of the product is $300. It is the same product that OMIC is making available to its insureds. The non-member price of the product is $600.
Included in the comprehensive materials are a lengthy introduction to the HIPAA Privacy Standards which can be used for training purposes, model policies and procedures, and model forms (Notice of Privacy Practices, authorization and consent, if applicable). While these materials should not be implemented without some appropriate tailoring to the specific needs of a practice, an ophthalmology practice may, with a manageable level of effort, adapt it to fit its particular circumstances to achieve compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Standards.
Compliance with the Privacy Standards is required by April 14, 2003. The Standards apply to any health care provider that transmits health information in connection with a HIPAA electronic standard transaction.
The HIPAA Privacy Standards govern the use and disclosure of what is referred to as Protected Health Information ("PHI"). PHI is information relating to a persons health or health care that identifies an individual or can be reasonably be expected to be used, alone or in combination, to identify an individual. PHI may be maintained or transmitted in any format, including electronic, paper, or oral communications. Therefore, the HIPAA Privacy Standards reach more than just electronic medical records.
The penalties for violating the Privacy Standards are severe. They include a civil monetary penalty of not more than $100 per person per violation (and not more than $25,000 per person) for violation of a single standard in one year. Additionally, there are criminal penalties for knowingly violating the Standards.
Given the enormous scope of complying with HIPAA, the fast-approaching deadline and the potential liability for non-compliance. Members are encouraged to place their orders now by contacting Sue Chasteen, the TAO executive director at 615-794-1851 or by clicking on the link, HIPAA Order Form.
Copyright � TAO P. O. Box 681806, Franklin, TN 37068-1806 Phone: 615-794-1851 Fax: 615-791-6032 Email: [email protected] |