Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology (End) The Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology
(TAO) offers FIND AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST, an on-line listing of member
ophthalmologists practicing in the state of Tennessee. You are prohibited from
downloading, republishing, reselling or duplicating, in whole or in part, for
commercial or any other purposes, or for purposes of compiling mailing lists or
any other lists, FIND AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST or any of its data, listings or other
constituent elements. You may not use FIND AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST to establish
independent data files or compendiums. TAO's
FIND AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST is intended for use by the general public to assist in
locating ophthalmologists within Tennessee. All data is self-reported and is not
intended for use by organizations requiring credentialing verification. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities: IF YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ALL OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, PLEASE INDICATE YOUR AGREEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE BY CLICKING BELOW ON THE BUTTON LABELED "ACCEPT". Note: Some ophthalmologists may appear more than once
due to site offices in various cities or counties. |
TAO/Eye MDs of Tennessee
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 681806, Franklin, Tennessee 37068-1806
Phone: (615) 794-1851 Fax: (615) 791-6032
E-mail: [email protected]