TAO Bylaw Amendment - No comments were received by date indicated below; therefore the amendment is adopted. At the August 27, 2002, TAO Board of Directors, an amendment to the Bylaws was proposed. The proposed amendment adds a category for university-based Ph.D.s working in the departments of ophthalmology: 'Establish a membership category for Ph.D.s who work in the ophthalmology departments at the state's teaching universities. The Ph.D. applicant must also include three letters of recommendation from active TAO members with his or her application. The dues for the Ph.D. category shall be one-half of the current dues.' Reference: Every reputable and professionally qualified Ophthalmologist practicing in the State of Tennessee and subscribing to the purposes of the Academy and agreeing to abide by its charter and bylaws shall be eligible for membership. This is an independent state organization, for this reason, certification by any other society (such as the American Board of Ophthalmology) is not an eligibility requirement. The membership of the Academy shall consist of and be classified as active, associate, part time, life, and honorary members. (A) Active members shall be those persons who are licensed as doctors of medicine
or doctors of osteopathy and engaged in the practice or study of Ophthalmology
and in good standing with the Medical or Osteopathic Licensing Boards of the
State of Tennessee.
(F) Honorary membership may be conferred on any person, not an active member,
who because of scientific achievement or service rendered in the field of Ophthalmology,
is deemed worthy of special recognition, upon the recommendation of two active
members and election by a majority of the members present at a regular meeting
of the Academy. Those who have never been a member of the Academy are ineligible.
Honorary members shall not be assessed dues. The Board of Directors of the TAO
reserves the right to confer honorary membership upon a person who has never
been a member of the TAO with two-thirds of the Board (or a quorum) in agreement.
To oppose this amendment, send your comments by mail or with e-mail. TAO, P. O. Box 681806, Franklin, TN 37068-1806 or e-mail: [email protected] If no communication is received regarding this Bylaw amendment by October 4,
2002, the assumption shall be made that there are no objections and the amendment
will become part of the TAO Bylaws.
Copyright � TAO P. O. Box 681806, Franklin, TN 37068-1806 Phone: 615-794-1851 Fax: 615-791-6032 Email: [email protected] |