Tennessee Ophthalmology Personnel Society





TOPS is a standing committee of the Board of Directors for the Tennessee Academy of Ophthalmology.


TOPS was initially organized in 1985 by two TAO-member ophthalmologists, Drs. Gary Jerkins (Nashville) and Thomas Gettelfinger (Memphis) to provide ophthalmic technicians with ongoing education.


Since 1985, TOPS has had an educational program annually, and on several occasions, more than one meeting a year has been presented.  


Last year, TOPS took a major role in the development and presentation of a technical program for five (5) states:  Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.  The meeting was held at Hilton Head, SC, on June 22-25, and over 230 technicians attended from the five states.



There are currently four levels of ophthalmic technical personnel:


1.  Ophthalmic Assistant (OA) (no certification required)

2.  Certified Ophthalmic Assistant (COA)

3.  Certified Ophthalmic Technician (COT)

4.  Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist (COMT)


And, Ophthalmic Surgical Assisting is another special content area.  


Why would an ophthalmologist want certified personnel?  Because ...

  • They increase office efficiency

  • They demonstrate a commitment to the profession

  • They improve the quality of patient care

  • They help the doctor (Eye M. D.) to have more quality time with the patient

  • They help obtain time-consuming and important tests

  • They convey to the patient that the Eye-M. D. has high standards 

 Tennessee is proud to have one of the first ophthalmic personnel educational programs in the country.


For more info on JCAHPO, click here.

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Copyright � TAO
Last modified: March 01, 2001
P. O. Box 681806, Franklin, TN  37068-1806
Tel:  615-794-1851     Fax:  615-791-6032